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Swim, Bike, Run...Swim, Bike, Run...Swim, Bike, Run...Swim...Break...Rest...Repeat

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Goals: Gotta Start Somewhere

  I came up with a goal for myself which was to complete a triathlon.  Nothing major, I know, but everyone needs to have some goals in life.  Not sure why this one is so appealing, but never the less...here I am.  So it was November 2011 when I first stepped foot into a pool.  Okay, well technically that isn't exactly true, but it might as well have been.  I took swimming lessons at the "Y" during my early childhood years.  Never really found much interest in it then, but I wish I had...maybe I would be much closer to reaching my goal now.

  So back to November 2011, my first time back in the pool after years of avoiding the dreaded swimsuit and the short style of clothes because I never really felt comfortable in them for many years.  I remember walking out on the pool deck thinking that I must look like a whale in this outfit.  Fortunately, that thought didn't last long because once I was in the pool for the Master Swim class I was expected to show the instructor my current swimming level so she would know where my base line was.  I could have saved her the trouble and myself the embarrassment because it was clearly at the bottom of the pool so to speak.  As I struggled for air while swallowing half the water in the pool that day I promised myself that I would complete this course which would last about six weeks (2x's per week).  I set no other goals for swimming at that time, but was determined to remember my first day in that pool because I knew that I would never be at that level again...("bottom of the pool") and I have a lot of room for improvement.